UK Car Repair: web, coolant temp, light strand

hi, first of all i like to thank you for your service.

plese recomend some useful websites for following question & more.  

1--i want to understand the basic auto electrical troubleshooting.

2--how to check auot sensors such as coolant temp, O2 & etc.

thank you!  

Well, auto electrical are simple in principle. Think of it like Christmas lights. A power source supplies the cord which has lights that light. Older cars are like a newer set of Christmas lights, one bulb dies, only one of the bulbs go out. Newer cars are like older lights, when one bulb dies, everything past it goes out. So, think of a cars wiring harness like a 100,000 light strand. Simple process complicated by sheer scale.

As for internet resources, you will find none that offer any kind of insight to the process of it. I will suggest three books though. Haynes Manual Electrical Tech Manual, Radio Shack How to wire your car, and the instruction manual for a sun sensor and module tester. The sensor tester is available from NAPA and is around $40. It is the ONLY way to really test a lot of the sensors and modules in a car. The rest you can test with a multimeter which you will also have to purchase. I wish I could suggest some website that was well thought out and informative, but their is simply none in existence.

Get the Radio Shack book first; it will give you the most info.

