UK Car Repair: 77 midget break master cylinder, master cylinder, drill bit

I read what you have already answered about a 76 midget master cylinder, so I am hoping you will be of some help. My breaks had air get into the lines, so I went and replaced the calipers.  They were still not working completely perfectly, but the cylinder did pump break fluid into the breaks and I could bleed them.  I decided to rebuild the master cylinder, fearing that the air did some damage and it would work more properly with a rebuild, but now I am stuck with my master cylinder almost apart... but I can't get to the final step.  I have all the c clips off and the piston out. Now I am looking this piston in the face and can't for the life of me figure out how to get the piston apart to put on the three seals and two washers.  Any ideas?  I've been working hours on this car and almost have it ready to go... just waiting on the oh so important breaks!

Christina, send an e-mail to [email protected] and I will send you a diagram and pictures showing you how to do it.
It will take me about 45 to an hour to dig out a piston, document the tear down, and e-mail the info, so be patient.


Ok, I have pictures and instructions for you to review.
The only thing you will need that is out of the ordinary is a 5/64 drill bit. I will be waiting to hear from you.
