QuestionQUESTION: Rick, hope you had good vacation, finally you are back I tryed to ask this question to other voluntier but they told me no experience on air cooled.
Any way do you remenber my problen in Ecuador with me Hans on no oil press on hot engine or after 180 o F. You said that the problem should be on the over pressure valve and the engine has two one big and other small. But my engine has only the big one near oil filter and is fine so the problem is not there. My engine crankase has only one overpress valve, it has a small hole in the place where the second should be machined or placed but the serial engine started with ED I beleaved is fuel injected where there is no second valve and no place for mechanical fuel pump. I got this engine 3/4 from Gex calf.
My car has this engine where I placed the original twin carb and a electrical fuel pump. So WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PROBLEM IS ?
I took the engine a part againg but I dont see any troble so far. I will sent the crankshaft to a diferent machine shop to chek it, hopping there is the problem on too loose oil gap on main bearings but really not sure.
ANSWER: Hello Hans,
Happy New Year! Hope your holidays were nice.
The ED is definitely a fuel injected case. Of course this is obvious since there is no mechanical fuel pump option. The second valve, which you do not have, is only to control oil pressure at high speeds.
I believe the problem is:
1) The pressure relief valve is stuck open, or the spring is too weak. This will cause the oil to never get to the oil cooler after warmup.
2) There is a blockage in the oil gallery leading to the oil cooler, or within the oil cooler itself. This will cause the same problem, no oil into the oil cooler.
- Rick
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Rick, happy new year to you as well.
I check the pressure relief valve, it if freely moving not jam and spring is ok. It is cutting oil press at 55 psi when engine is cold, but when oil passes 180 oF starts to decrese oil pressure to the point that when you acelerate over 3000 rpm oil reaches only to 40psi, does not get to 55 psi anymore so in other words the valve should be closed all the way but the oil pump cant reach to 55 psi anymore due to a loose of oil somewhere.oil pump is new and the old one was doing the same so the old oil pump should be good as well. I had the original spring on the oil relief valve before or just after the rebuilding of the engine ( after machining the crankshaft )i was cuuting the oil press at 80psi wich is way up forcing seals in the engine and gess what the same problem of the loose of oil press in hot engine that i have now. so the over press valve should be fine.
You second fact also checked. I made sure the oil lines in the entire block were free of blockage by blowing air with cleaning solvents ( gasoline ) with a pressure of 120 psi thru all part inside the block to make sure all pasages are clean so they are clean.
I also check the oil cooler gaskets thinking that when you thight nuts of oil cooler you could squease them cloosing the inside diameter of gaskets having poor pasage of oil. I place the original washers or spacers provided on gasket set ( german brand )to prevent these so oil should be passing with no problem to the oil cooler that is original VW. So WHERE ELSE COULD BE THE PROBLEM ?
I had another cuestion besides these oil problem. Can I place a camshaft ( 1800 cc engine) that belongs to an engine which has mechanical lifters ( not hydraulical )in a engine that has hydraulical set up. Are the camshaft diferent in the material thar are made or is the same part.?
Can I also instal a crankshaft from a 1800 cc that is heavier in weight and looks stronger than the original 2000cc, in a 2.0 cc engine.
I ask these cuestions because I have these parts used from my older engine where I know they were fine in that engine and I didnot have any trouble with oil pressure before. Do they will work fine on my 2.0 CC engine ? A heavier crankshaft will make the car move slower on hills and faster on highways. What do you think Rick?
Sorry for the delay, we are having snow storms and very cold temperatures in Montana.
Another possible reason for the oil pressure problem is a mismatched cam to oil pump. Your engine should have a four-rivet dished cam, with a 24mm or 26mm oil pump gear size.
The crankshaft swap should have no effect on the hydraulic valves, but the cam is different for hydraulic vs. solid lifters. However, I don't think it is a good solution to swap these parts around.
Another interesting point, if you had a dual relief case with two valves, the second valve (oil control valve) towards the front of the engine, is supposed to open at 42 PSI and 2500 RPM, which is about the same thing you are seeing. So are you sure you do not have a dual relief case? If you do, this pressure change would be normal.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Rick, thank you for answer my question. and sorry for my English I´m not practicing much since 1997.
Firs of all my engine has only 1 pressure relief valve close to the oil filter. This side next to the air fan ( opposite of clutch side) do you consider the front of the engine? Want to make sure what valve is supposed to open at 42 psi at make sure it will do after i put the engine together.
In other words the maximum oil pressure in the engine should be 42 psi at 2500 rpm. and if I am at 3500rpm will be the same pressure right. How about at idle (900 rpm) what will be the normal oil pressure ?
My camshaft of both engines ( 1800 old engine and 2000cc) has 5 rivet dished and they really look the same one next to the other besides the high of the cam. On the 1800 cc they are higher so the valves on the engine heads will open far. On the 2000cc the cam are smaller ( hydraulic ) so the valves will open less why is that don´t know but don't worry I will place the appropriate one.
Are you sure about the number of rivets on the camshaft. On 1600 cc from the bug and 1900cc water cooled from vanagon I believed has 4 rivets.
What do you mean by mismatched cam to oil pump. The oil pump goes at the end of the camshaft and slides on a groove so gets its movement straight from the camshaft in other words one rotation of the camshaft is one rotation of the gear in the oil pump. WHAT MISMATCHED CAN OCCUR???
I think the pump is ok because it is new and with the older one I had the same problem. But a get good oil pressure at cold engine ( close to 60 psi ) my problem is that with hot oil ( over 180 o F ) I have to accelerate over 3500 rpm to get to 40 psi and as soon as the oil gets more temperature let say close to 250 o F I hardly get to 25 psi at 3500 rpm and at idle I am on 5 psi so the idiot light turns on because I´m under 7 psi. WHY HAPPENS THAT IS THE MYSTERY ?
I ask you about the crankshaft before is because my older engine ( 1800cc solid lifters ) has a oil Clarence on main bearings so far of 0.001" maybe because the bearing are used and they have been with no oil sitting on a wood box for more than 12 years but it is interesting that the measure is very thight and the crank shaft never been done anything to it so its STD and with the original factory bearings and never had problems with oil pressure on that engine.On chiltons manual says 0.002" to 0.004" to be the correct oil gap but on my other engine ( 2000cc) where the crankshaft was resurface to .25 mm or .010" and has new main bearings ( mexican ) I have on one of the bearing a gap of .0035" It is inside tolerance acording to Chiltons BUT DO YOU THINK IT IS THE HOLE PROBLEM LOCATED HERE? WHAT IS THE CORRECT OIL GAP acording to your experience.
Thats why I want to place the 1800 cc crankshaf on the 2000cc engine but the question is that I know the crankshaf and the flywheel are both a matrimony and it is not ggod to mix them but the flywheel on 1800cc is 210mm in diameter if i´m not mistaking and on 2000cc is 228mm.So they are very different in wheight having a ligther crankshaf with a heavier flywheel(2000cc) and the oposite on the 1800cc engine. What happens if I place the heavier pices of both will it make a mor powerfull car faster on higways and slower on hils or wil not expirience any change at all. The curios thing is that on BUSDEPOT.COM selling part web page it is the same part number for crankshaft from 1700cc, 1800cc and 2000cc.
Thanks alot and sorry for all long questions
I am out of answers. But I recommend a few other forums:
Probably the best VW forum on the Internet:
Gene Berg Enterprises is known for great work with VW oil systems:
Also, I would contact GEX, since you bought the engine through them.
Good luck,