Volkswagen Repair: Turn Signal Switch, emergency flasher, left turn signal

Hello Rick:  All my turn signal bulbs light but the left turn signal flashes at a high rate of speed.  I was told if the bulbs were good it probably is the switch.  I have a 4 cylinder 2000 Jetta, have looked under the dash left of the steering column and checked 4 out of five I could reach with no luck.  I read somewhere the switch is behind the emergency flasher on the dash.  Is that right, and if so, how do I get to it?  Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

ps.  also an expert on golf.

 Since this only happens on the left side, I would guess:
- You have a bad bulb (and don't realize it.)
- A bad contact for the bulb, either power or ground.

Otherwise I would replace the flasher module.
The switch would be my last choice.


*** Follow up ***

Here's some additional info: