Volkswagen Repair: gas, volkswagen repair, fuse box

QUESTION: where is the fuse box located on a 97 jetta trek ive looked everywhere and i cant find it please help

Volkswagen Repair: gas, volkswagen repair, fuse box
ANSWER: Salvador,
 See image.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you thathelped alot  ok now i have another problem  when i fill my gastank  it doesnt show  nothing no move ment at all it stays the same at 1/4 tank it doent increase or decrease what can be the problem

 I believe you can get to the sending unit from the trunk.  Once you find the connector, if you short the violet/black to the brown/blue, the gauge should go to FULL.  If it does, the sending unit is bad.  If not, there is a wiring problem or the dash gauge is faulty.
- Rick