Volkswagen Repair: 2001 jetta tdi, jetta tdi, auto zone
Questionmy check engine light came on and when i went to auto zone they told me it was something that heats up my cylinder but they weren't sure that's what it was. They just knew it was something that has to do with the heat.Am i in bid trouble with my car?
Sounds like it could be a glow plug. These help when cold starting. But without the actual error code, this is all speculation. I would ask the Auto Zone to tell you what code they found; it should be in a format like something like "P0380". You can then jump on the Internet and look it up yourself; this may give you a better idea of what is actually wrong; post it on a follow up here if you wish and I'll give you an opinion. If it is in the P0000-0999 range, it is a general error applicable to any car, then go to If it is in the P1000-1999 range, it is a VW specific error, then go to
- Rick