Volkswagen Repair: coolant leak from timing chain, coolant leak, radiator hose
Questioni've been losing a substantial amount of coolant from behind the tensioner on the timing chain of my 95' 2.0L golf III, i just replaced the water pump and thermostat, when i replaced the antifreeze the leak continued and pin pointed it there. could it be a seal or a crack in the block or just time to buy a new one?
I am unfamiliar with the engine in question. However, on the older Golfs (I own an '85 Diesel), a leak would indicate a failed seal on the fuel pump shaft, or a pin-hole leak in a lower radiator hose. If you could crawl under the engine at the point of the leak, use an old towel to dry the area and then watch for moisture, you might find the source. Also, on the older Golfs, the water pump and thermostat are sealed by improperly seated or pinched o-ring will leak.... Sorry I could not be of more help. Jerry