Volkswagen Repair: vw golf 1.4 cl.mk3.1994., vw golf, blue glow
Questionhi please could you give me some advise on my car?when im driving my car it seems to jerk and it even does it when im stopped at a junction.the car starts ok and never stalls.what do you think the problem is?
AnswerHi, Siobhan;
"Bucking" is term most often used to describe a "jerk" in the engines normal running condition. I would suggest looking at the ignition coil, while the car is running, at night! Don't have any light around, and look for a blue glow, at or near one, or all of the spark plug towers on the coil. Since the engine still runs, the glow will not be very bright, but it should still be there. There could be other causes, like an interruption in fuel flow, caused by a faulty fuel pump, or a clogged fuel filter, but if the car doesn't stall, it sounds ignition related to me right now. The spark voltage "bleeds off" to a ground inside the engine compartment, and causes a "stutter," a "jerk," or a "buck." Good luck with your search, Siobhan. Hope this helps steer you in the right direction.