Volkswagen Repair: 1998 VW Golf GLi Intermittent starting fault, brake light switch, golf jetta


My mum's golf (as above) has an intermittent fault upon startup where all the electronics are going, but the car won't turn over at all. After half an hour of trying to get the transmission to release it may eventually start. I am thinkign it may be some kind of transmission disabling switch, but have no clue. Not sure if you have heard of such a fault?



Not so sure about this one Chris;
However, 2 things come to mind to check first.  This sounds like an automatic transmission, and if so, replace the brake light switch right away as the transmission won't pull out of park, until it get's a signal from the brake light switch.  Every A4, and B5 are getting recalled for this....sorry,, jetta, bora, gti, beetle, from 1999 through early 2005...B5 passat form 1998 through 2005. So, change the switch.  The other thought I've had is about the "load reduction relay."  It diverts ALL power in the car to the starter, when the ignition switch goes that far, ie. to, "Start."  Not cheap, but likely.  Hope this helps,'s to you.