Volkswagen Repair: central lock not workig, door latch, homework research

Hi, Just went to unlock my car and the central locking is not working, I cant open the doors from the driver door lock but can from the passenger side, any ideas as how to fix this? is a 98 vw golf gl

Hi Sean;
You need a drivers door latch.  Check for interior lights when you open the door.  If they don't come on, that solidifies my diagnosis.
I will tell you right now that the door latches are a real pain in the neck to remove and install.
Do some homework, research the available literature, and maybe even some of my past postings.  I've gone over door latch removal, and installation in depth several times.
Just remember to get the window out of the regulator before you try to remove the inner door panel, otherwise you'll break the window glass.  Good luck, Sean.  I hope this helps a little.