Volkswagen Repair: Dead Volkswagen, camshaft position sensor, crankshaft position sensor
QuestionWas driving my 95 Volkswagen golf when it just died. It cranks over but won't start. I have spark and fuel to the engine, any suggestions?
AnswerHi Todd;
Do you know for sure you have spark? Because the only thing I can honestly think of that would make the engine just "die" is the loss of the crankshaft position sensor. If that happens though you won't have spark in that vintage car. Eventually, you won't have fuel either, because the residual pressure will be relieved and the fuel pump won't run without a crank signal, that's when the check engine light will start to flash. There is also a camshaft position sensor, but it will only make it not start, not die. If the engine is running, even poorly, the loss of the camshaft position sensor won't cause the engine to die. Hope this gets you started down the road, Todd. Good luck.