Questionhi - we need instructions on how to remove the tie rod end from steering rack on the passenger side
2000 4 cyl passat wagon
AnswerHi Deb;
Nasty, nasty job. I always find new off color phrases when doing this one. The very first thing to do, before anything else is to soak the tie rod, and the boot, and the end of the rack with penetrating oil. I mean really make a mess. Then drive to the library, and get the "Bentley's" repair guide, and read it. It has diagrams, pictures, and the specific sizes of wrenches to use.
This job is NO fun.
Get the passenger front wheel, and tire up off the ground, and use something other than a jack to hold it, once it is a jack stand, or concrete blocks, or wood, and keep the jack handy just for a safety measure. Jetta's, Golf's, and Beetle's use a 13mm for the rod, and a 22mm for the jamb nuts. I think Passat's use a 15mm for the rod, and a 24mm for the jamb nuts. Since it is only the tie rod, and not the tie rod end...if you can get the tie rod end to come loose might be able to cut the tie rod...out, away from the machined in "flats" that you need to twist the rod with...or if you have very sharp teeth in a set of vice grips you might try that too.
This is confusing isn't it? I'm sorry, Deb. It sort of depends on how stubborn the tie rod is. It's already stubborn, because it can't be turned, right? The closer you can get to the rack itself with what ever tool you decide to use the better. This is because the rack is completely stationary, and the tie rod isn't. Good luck, Deb. I hope you get it off, OK. The best thing though is to at least look at the pictures in "Bentley's."