Volkswagen Repair: Battery replacement for 1988 Volkswagen Golf GTI, hex head bolts, volkswagen golf gti

I have a 1988 Volkswagen Golf GTI.  A couple of nights ago I left the headlights on overnight and came out to a dead battery.  I tried to jump my car, but it won't even turn over.  I think I need to replace the battery.  How can I go about doing this myself rather than taking it to a mechanic?  Thanks!

Hi Ashley;
The battery on your car should be on top of a metal tray on the left side(driver's side) of the engine bay.  The battery strap, or hold down goes over the top of the battery, and has either 10mm hex head bolt(s) holding it or 13mm hex head bolts holding it.  The radio code needs to be re-entered after you finish replacing the battery.   The battery is very dense, heavy, and compact, so be careful when you lift it out of the car, and be careful when you lift the new one into the car.  There are battery carrying straps that make this part of the job easier, and safer.  Dis connect the cables...10mm hex head bolts, and clean them on the inside before putting them on your new battery.  Once the new battery is in, and before the cables are attached, wipe off, or brush off any dirt on the terminals of the new battery, and then attach your clean battery cables.  Once they are attached, make sure they are tight.  Not too tight, you don't want to twist the terminals out of the battery case, just tight.  So they don't pull off if you tug on them.  You can do it, Ashley.