Volkswagen Repair: 1996 VW Jetta, vw jetta, fuse panel

Does the 1996 Jetta have a fuel cutoff switch?

Hi there Rick;
I honestly don't think any Volkswagen has a "fuel cutoff switch," per se.  However, nearly all Volkswagens have a relay that shuts off power to ALL accessories, and unnecessary electrical consumers when the starter is engaged.  If that relay is faulty, there will be a no start condition.  Also, there is another relay dedicated specifically to the fuel pump, and if faulty, will not power up the fuel pump.  Look underneath the dashboard on the drivers side, and you will see a fuse panel, and a relay panel.  In the relay panel, I think it's the relay that is farthest to the right, and it should have a number on the case that reads:  "409," that should be the "power supply relay."  They are about $50, to $60.00, at your Volkswagen dealer.  They are sure to be available at any decent parts store you like to use that is close, and convenient to your house, for less money, but you'd better have the relay out, and be able to check it against the new one, before you give them your money, just to make sure, if nothing else, it looks exactly the same as your old one.  Because once you leave the store that relay is return on electrical parts!  I think that is the most common failure that is not too darned expensive.  Without being able to actually test the car myself, I have to guess, sometimes, and that is the most logical first choice.  Good luck, Rick, I sure hope this is the right one.