Volkswagen Repair: 2002 Beetle 2.0 auto trans hard upshit and down when cold, powertrain warranty, speed overdrive

My wifes Beetle 02 2.0 auto has an intermittent hard up shift from 1st to second
and a hard downshift at low speed. This usually happens when cold. Is this a
sensor problem

Hello Victor;
The transmission code for the transmission in your wife's car is "FDF."  These are 4 speed, overdrive, automatics that are very good, very reliable units.  However, sometimes they have an internal hardware problem.  I'm actually talking about the machined parts, and the "separators," and gaskets.  Some of the fluid that is supposed to go one way to make a shift is allowed to go a different way, and the shift quality suffers.  Is the car still under the manufacturers "powertrain warranty?"  If so your best bet is to take the car to your local Volkswagen dealer, and let them plan a service, a "crossleak" test, a repair, or a replacement.  The symptoms you describe have happened, in my experience, and the solution varies depending on how long this has been happening, and how bad the internal damage is.
I just wanted to add something that I should have said earlier, when I first responded to your problem transmission.  That is this.  If the car is out of the manufacturers "powertrain warranty," there are salvage yards across the country where you can find a replacement transmission, and torque converter.  My most strenuous caution is to tell you that if a replacement transmission is your choice...get the torque converter to a transmission shop of good reputation, where the torque converter can be cleaned out, (any used transmission should have the torque converter cleaned out, or even rebuilt....,ie. cut open, cleaned, stator, and turbine fins inspected, and or rebent/straightened, and then rewelded together, and refilled, and pressure tested).  Also, when the transmission is replaced, a full, and complete service of the fluid, and filter needs to be done as well.  Compared to the labor, and the cost of a new, or used transmission, even the synthetic fluid necessary for Volkswagen transmissions is cheap, so at least one, if not two complete fluid/filter changes should be done after installation of the transmission.  Furthermore, there is a very special procedure that needs to be followed for the replacement of fluid, and filter in a Volkswagen automatic transmission.  The use of special tool is necessary for the introduction of fluid.  Fluid must be added, with an "overflow" tube fitting open, and once the fluid begins to come out first the tube must be closed, the engine started, and the temperature of the fluid allowed to raise to a certain range of temperatures.  As soon as this range of temperatures is reached, the overflow tube must be reopened, and the fluid must be added until once again it begins to come out of the overflow tube.  Then, and ONLY then is the transmission ready for service.  If the transmission shop you take the car to is not able to perform this specialized service, then take it to someone specializing in, and familiar with the absolutely necessary precautions for Volkswagen automatic transmissions!