Volkswagen Repair: ignition lock cylinder replacement, cylinder replacement, lock cylinder
QuestionPlease help! I need to replace the ignition lock cylinder in a 69 bug without a key.
AnswerAnnette, you are going to hate me, but I simply do not know how they put the old style bug together. I know a little, but the ignition lock, cylinder, and key arrangement they used in 1969 is far different than the systems they have used for the last 15 years, and those are the ones I, personally am familiar with. If I remember correctly the lock cylinder, and key in 1969 was in the dashboard, and not in the column, right? There was a connector at the back of the switch that could be removed, and then on the drivers/passengers side of the dash there was a funny looking nut that was slotted on both sides. Remove the slotted funny nut, remove the connector from the back, and you should have the whole ignition switch in your hands, and be able to replace the whole thing. It will come with its' own new key, which will be different from the door key, but that will make it harder to steal. I hope I'm right, I don't expect to be. If there is a local Volkswagen specialist that can actually look at your key/lock situation you might be better off than this forum...I know a little about the recent models, but very little about the older ones. I wish I could help you.