Volkswagen Repair: 2001 VW Jetta 1.8T, mass air sensor, mass air flow sensor

All of the sudden my check engine light is flashing and my car has the rotten egg smell, too.  I saw the recent post on this but wanted to ask you specifically about the 1.8T.  Little power.   I just had a mass air flow sensor replaced 2 or 3 months ago.  Have 108K miles.  Any ideas?  

You have a Misfire fault. A P0 300, 301,302,303,304 code set in the computers memory. The smell is raw gas being dumped into the exhaust. The gas is shut of  when the computer sees a misfired cylinder. Shuts fuel off to one cylinder. Most common cause is a secondary ignition coil, Some times the throttle body, May be bad or sometimes cleaning it helps. Then a Vacuum leak after the mass air sensor. Good luck.