Volkswagen Repair: beeping noise, timing belt tensioner, jetta 2

QUESTION: i have a 2001 jetta 2.0 and this beeping noise comes on. It sounds like when u leave your door open and it makes that nosie if the door is closed. It goes away within maybe 1-2min. Then when i turn on the dashboard light this really long beeping nosie goes on and goes away in mybe 2-3min. With this have something to do with my engine check light on? please help ASAP...
ANSWER: The engine light on is 99% not the same problem. The problem with the door and the beeping noise is caused most of the time by a door lock assembly. If the door is read as open then the control module will not know the difference if the door is closed or open. If the lock assembly electrically switches are good then the problem is the driver window motor wiring or the instrument cluster. When the problem acts up then shut off the car close the doors lock the car with the remote and see if there is a beeping noise from the alarm and that all doors locked. If not then most likely that door lock assembly is bad. Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok yeah that nosie does sound like when you open up a door. And even when i open the door the light's don't come on. but i can turn them on myself. So that same problem would also have to do when i even turn on the light for the dashboard? and what do you think could be the problem, one guy said it might be time to change my timing belt and maybe change the oil for the tranny?

Like I said the door lock assembly is probably bad. The timing belt is recommended to be replaced at 100,000 miles. If changed then also change the water pump, thermostat,and the Timing belt tensioner. The transmission if fluid is changed make sure you use VW fluid and not aftermarket fluid. There is a difference. Also replace the filter for the trans if this is a 4 speed trans.