Volkswagen Repair: radio problem, jumper wire, battery cables
QuestionI just bought a used 97 jetta, The batt. was dead so I replaced it, now the (aftermarket) radio a Pioneer won't work, it comes on, all the lights work,,the stations come up but NO sound help bigbob
Answer A capacitive discharge may fix the problem. This resets the programing in the of the radios head unit. Undo the battery cables at the battery posts. Negative then positive post. DO NOT LET THE CABLES TOUCH THE BATTERY. Place a jumper wire across the terminal ends positive and negative wait ten minutes. DO NOT LET THE CABLES TOUCH THE BATTERY. Then reinstall the battery cables to the battery. Positive then negative then retest. Doubtful that this will work. The problem is likely the radio head unit. Was it jump started backwards? Does it have a amplifier? Let me know. A way to check if the signal is getting to the speakers is to get a volt meter with a frequency setting and see if the frequence varies. If a frequency meter is not available then use a volt meter see if the voltage varies on AC or DC settings. If this doesn't help then use a borrowed radio and retest. You have to do some checking to get down to the nitty gretty. Let me know if you have questions.