Volkswagen Repair: Filters, oxnard st, van nuys ca

I have a 2000 (6) Cylinder VW Passat. Lately, when I go to fill up my gas, usually I let the tank run fairly low, I have trouble starting my car, it usually takes a number of tries and I have to rev the engine. A friend of mine said that it might be the Fuel filter or engine air filter. I tried to find info in my owners manual so that I could replace these myself, as my friend thought they are pretty inexpensive and easy items to replace. Unfortunately, I could not find pictures or info on these items in my owners manual.

Any help/advice/directions would be appreciated!



Unless there is a whole lot of miles on the filters, I doubt that they are the reason you are having this problem. The air and gas filter rarely get that dirty to cause any problems. More likely is that your fuel pump is damaged. Have you run out of gas ever? Running out of gas can really damage your fuel pump. The gas cools and lubricates the fuel pump. Running out of gas can burn out the fuel pump and suck all the dirt from the bottom of the gas tank. STOP letting your gas tank run low before you put gas in it. ANDabsolutely NEVER run out of gas! I am Max's German Car located at 15020 Oxnard st Van NUys CA 91411. I have a used fuel pump for this car for $65. CALL: 818-787-9138 or E-mail: [email protected]