Volkswagen Repair: Changing brake fluid, vw golf tdi, vacuum bleeder
Question2001 VW Golf TDI with antilock brakes.
I am going to replace my brake fluid. How much brake fluid do I need? Is it OK to use a vacuum bleeder on this car?
AnswerDelbert, thank you for your question. On the first 5 brake jobs I did, I never seem to have enough brake fluid! Took that long for me to learn one thing: there is no such thing as too much brake fluid. Normally, now, I get two 2 QT bottles. It is ok to use a vacuum pump to do the brakes, since the only difference between ABS and Non-ABS systems is the controllers (and a few other parts) , but both are still hydraulic in nature. I have seen brake systems take from 1 pint to 3 quarts. Extra brake fluid kept in a plastic container (along with a quart of oil) in the trunk in a very good idea.
Hope that helps