Volkswagen Repair: 2000 Jetta Wagon clicking wont start, coke pepsi, starter solenoid
QuestionHi, Don~ You seem to be so very helpful! I went to start my wagon this morniong, and all it does is clickclickclickclick. The panel lights flash in the same rpattern and it wont start...Help? Thanks, ep
AnswerErica, thank you for your question. The problem you are having sounds like a either the starter solenoid has died or the connections on the battery are badly corroded. This can also be a battery on its last legs. First start out by checking the battery cables, if you see a white powdery stuff, that is powered acid (do not touch it at all) use a water and baking soda (Arm and Hammer) or a Coke (pepsi doesn't seem to work as well) and pour them on the battery until it is cleaned off. Usually the battery cable use ½ inch bolts which you need to take off and clean. A battery terminal cleaner is available for $3 to $7 at any auto parts store. If it still clicks then take the battery to an auto parts store and have them to a load test on the battery. If it fails the test it is bad but if it is ok then the problem will be the connection to the solenoid or the solenoid itself
Hope that helps