Volkswagen Repair: fuel injector cleaning, chevron gas stations, octane gas
Question1976 vw transporter
my van ran out of gas after sitting for years
i put gas in and it ran fine for about a day.
now it tries to start but will not idle or stay running. could it be clogged injecters, and if so ,how do i clean them.
AnswerHerb, thank you for your question. Usually if an engine has been sitting for a long while, the cheap gas will go bad. This “bad” gas will clog the injectors. This is a problem with using “cheap” gas (octane lower than 90, or from low end gas stations). There are two different ways of cleaning injectors. One is on-car and the other is off-car. The off- car can only be done by a shop that can clean injectors. The on-car can be done by a shop or you can do it yourself (though not totally effective). The best cleaners contain polyetheramine. One additive that contains polyetheramine is Chevron PRO-GARD® Fuel Additives ( You can get it at most Chevron gas stations. Now for an actual procedure (I cannot guarantee that this will work). Fill the tank with 91 or higher octane gas. Then add the fuel injection cleaner. Start up the Bus and drive on a road like an interstate for at least 2 to 4 hours straight. Refill up the tank (top it off). Add in another bottle of injector cleaner. Drive another 2 hours. If this does not even come close to working, then your only choice will be to take it to a shop for an off car cleaning. Never use straight alcohol or anything that contains more than 20% alcohol. This could damage the injectors.
Hope this helps