QuestionI've run into a problem that has brought the restoration of my '78 Superbeetle Convertible to a screeching halt. The rubber around all of the side windows needs to be replaced.
Every site and book I look at shows window removal for hard top or earlier model bugs. They show the window and regulator slipping effortlessly through a large opening in the bottom of the door. My doors have small handswidth slots that will in no way allow the window to pass through.
I thought I'd found the answer in removing a screw that's set into the frame below the vent window but it just spins when I try to remove it.
Please help. I'm about to sell this thing, as-is and unfinished, from frustration.
Thanks in advance.
AnswerThank you for a great question. very true Bentley only shows the hard top.
The window is removed from the top.
First, get the window up engough to pull it out the top of the door.
second, either loosen or remove the back track (next to the door lock)
and finally wiggle the window out of the top of the door.
i hope that helps, let me know if you have any futher questions.