Volkswagen Repair: Carb Adjustment, screw out, slow reply
I just finished a re-build on an H 30/31 Carb. I have not put it back on the car yet. I have found documentation that tells about the initial setting for the Smaller Volume Control Screw. However, I can not find anything that tells what the initial ("Bench") setting should be for the larger Bypass Screw. The documentation I have found just says to adjust to desired RPMs (850 -900) after running.
Is there a setting simlar to the one for the Smaller Volume Screw (bottom out then turn back two and 1/2 to three turns) that I should use for this larger Bypass Screw!
Thank you so much for your time and help!
Barry Taylor
Kennesaw, GA
Sorry for the delay. I'm sure by now, you have the carb on and running. I usually end up with that air bypass turned out one or one and a half turns out from fully seated, with the screw on the throttle arm just touching the lowest notch on the cam and the timing set correctly. You can run that smaller fuel screw out a little more if it's trying to stumble or surge while driving. Every engin's different and needs different settings. Sorry again for the slow reply!