Volkswagen Repair: Shift linkage on 92 Cabriolet, cv boots, shift linkage
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Question -
I am considering buying a 92 Cabriolet, manual trans, that cannot be shifted into first gear. The linkage directly below the shifter is very loose. Can I assume that tightening that linkage would solve the problem?
Answer -
You can get a new bushing kit for that linkage and that could solve your problem. The kits are relatively inexpensive and usually German. They should be available at any good foreign parts store or the VW dealer. You might want to verify that all of your clutch components are in good shape and working properly. Can you get it into first when the engine's not running? If it still won't go into first (with the engine running) after replacing those linkage bushings, I'd think it's something clutch related or a first gear synchronizer. I hope this info helps you. Good luck!
Follow up:
Thank you. It does not go into first gear even when the engine is not running and it does go into all other gears fine when the engine is running. I observed how it went into reverse and drove in reverse and it seems to be fine. I thought that since the linkage is very loose and that first gear is so close to and between reverse and third that tightening the linkage would likely solve the problem. Also, do you have any experience with replacement CV boots that do not require removal of the axel? Do you recommend? Lastly, does the odometer record mileage when the vehicle is towed like from behind an RV where all 4 wheels are in contact with the road?
I look forward to your responses. Thanks again !
Sorry for the delayed reply! I'd change those shifter bushings, that should work. I'd stay away from those quickie CV boots...they're usually junk! The CV needs to be cleaned out and regreased anyway, if you want it to last! If the car has been driven for a long time with a bad boot, chances are the CV is on its way out in the near future. Most parts stores sell those rebuilt axle assemblies, complete with new or rebuilt CV joints and all new boots. That may be the better way to go although still a pain to change! The odometer is always running, unless you unhook the speedo cable. Good luck with everything and happy holidays!