Volkswagen Repair: Electrical nightmare, vw passat, common denominator
Question1999, VW Passat 4 Cyl Turbo 80,000 miles. Recently had the timing belt break...Replaced engine..
Now what is happening, I will be driving and the ABS light will come on then the check engine light. next my car Digital Gear screen will black out and the car will drop into a lower gear . I have to pull over stop the car, jump it to continue. I have replaced the battery but still happens HELP ME PLEASE...after I jump it the ABS light and Engine Check light goes off and it runs ok...
I would guess the ground wire to the engine is loose. These problems seem to have the engine ground cable as the common denominator.
Check that the negative and positive clamps at the battery are tight. Then follow the cables (positive to the starter and neg. to the engine. Check to see that they are tight, the engine installer may have left them finger tight.
Good luck,