Volkswagen Repair: VW polo 1998 - cooling system, vw polo, polo 1

Hi ya i am wondering if you may have some advice
i have a vw polo 1.4 1998
with about 102, 000 miles,
All going well as had this car from new, until wednesday - on the way home the guage overheated - i have coolent in the system, next day whilst driving to work 4 miles the same thing happened - called AA they ran car and said thermostat had gone for it as fan wasn't working so booked it in that day and had a replacement thermostat fitted. all seemed ok until today, whilst driving back from mk to home aprx 25 miles, noticed that if i turned off the heater the temperature then went towards the top. however whilst heater on full the temp stayed ok.
I have had a check and i seem to have a full tank of coolent and the fan fuse seems intact? any ideas the garage said all was ok?


I'm not familiar with the Polo, we don't have them in Canada.  Volkswagens do have an electric rad fan and it is controlled by a thermoswitch in the rad. The switch is located by the battery side of the rad, near the bottom, look there.

Good luck,
