Volkswagen Repair: 98 Golf....rough idle, mass air flow sensor, port fuel injection
Question07/97 Golf, 2.0, port fuel injection, 5 spd
The car has an intermitent rough idle condition and at times the idle will fluctuate up and down by a few hundred RPM. It will sometimes stall as well when it gets really bad, and very rarely but also noticed was a long crank periode when the car was hot and sitting in the heat. The problem goes away as soon as you apply enough throttle to start accelerating. I was having trouble finding wiring diagrams and also I am not sure exactly how the (TCV) throtle control valve opperates with the integral TPS and IAC. All indications seem to point in the direction of the throttle body (TCV) unit or possibly the mass air flow sensor but again without the proper wiring diagrams it's difficult to do any electrical diagnosing.
Any advice, tips or help would be greatly appreciated ! thanks
I've heard of this problem, and often it is caused by a vacume leak, from one of the vacume lines near the throttle body. I think VW had a problem with the wiring by the wiper assembly. Check with your local dealer, I think they disconnect one of the black wires in that harness and it helps with hot starts.
Good luck,