Volkswagen Repair: 95 Jetta II Sunroof, sec increments, hand cranks

My daughter's Jetta sunroof jams just before closing completely.  The motor will open and close it, but in short (less than 1 sec) increments.  The hand cranks turns fine, but it still won't close completely.  I'm guessing the cable or track is out of whack, but not certain where to start looking.  Any ideas?


There is a little rubber bushing (piece of small hose) on the left and right side of the mechanism. The hoses fit on the pins that are approx. 3mm x 8mm, that slide into the track to close the roof.   If either one or both of these have worn off the roof won't close. If you open the roof slightly you should be able to unscrew the glass panel and then replace the rubber bushings.  If you're unsure of what to do I would suggest that you let a mechanic look at it.  When you have it apart you'll need to loosen the motor (drop down 5mm, don't remove!)and line up the cables at the track.  Try the roof without the glass panel, before you reassemble.

Good Luck,
