Volkswagen Repair: 1991 cabriolet wont start, altenator, battery problem
QuestionI washed the engine of my 1991 cabriolet..and now it won't start! It cranks over and i can smell gas coming out the tailpipe so i think there is something electrically wrong ( and not the fuel pump etc) It's been several days and it still just cranks over with an occassional pop. I checked all the fuses..they're ok. There's nothing wet inside the engine now,,i checked the plugs, distributor ..all dry. Help...please.
AnswerThey say I answered this question - i dont remember. Pull off the distributor cap. Let that get dried out inside there(use a hair dryer) That is where the water will be if any. Not a fuse, altenator or battery problem. When you wash an engine you are suppose to wrap the distributor in a plastic bag before washing.