Volkswagen Repair: charging system, haynes publication, carbon brushes
Question73 bug with the red light on. when testing how do you tell if it is the generator or the regulator? shouldn't the + term at the gen. have more than 10v? do you check it with a dvom accros the two terms on the gen. or at the batt.? is it very difficult to replace the gen.?
AnswerWhile I can't tell you how to differenciate between generator or voltage regulator - check in a library book. ...generator should have 12 volts at least otherwise no charge could be pushed into the battery.
To replace the generator you would need a breaker bar and socket to stick on the fan in the doghouse(you can feel it if you stick your hand between the doghouse and the firewall. Then you would lock up the generator so that you could loosen the nut. It is better if you got a repair manual from the library (any beetle will do ) I like Haynes publication the best but thumb thru them before you take them otherwise take a few different ones with you so the blanks get filled in by someone. You may just need to replace the brushes on your generator- can get another set from a wrecker or from a shop that sells carbon brushes for electrical motors. No need to go to VW, thats where they would go. Sorry I can't be of more help.