Volkswagen Repair: 1979 VW Bug, rust paint, silver car

I have reciently purchased a 1979 Carman special edition VW Bug.  It is in pretty good condition interior wise, but the exterior has a fair amount of rust on the out side, especiallt on the bottom of the doors, and near the rear of the car.  I was woundering if you had any sugestions or tips on how to remove and or repair the rust on the car.  Any info would be greatly appreciated

If the rust has gone thru, and you got holes its a body shop deal cause they gotta cut out the rust and weld in metal and bondo in the depression before repainting.   Rust never sleeps, once it starts....if the rust is not too deep, I would grind/sand as much as possible, put on rust paint wait till the snow is gone and repaint and keep an eye on it for it will be a permanent problem now.  I am in snow country, I got a silver car and did not put on glaze, so find out that the silver is a porous paint and is starting to rerust.  All I can do is brush on some oil on the rust to slow it up and wait till spring.   Rust is a troublesome issue.