Volkswagen Repair: Smoke from A4, audi a4, t effect
I have a 1999 Audi A4 with 88,000 miles. It has the 2.8 V6. I have noticed that immediatly upon cold startup there is a brief puff(maybe as much as an exhalation from a cigarette) of blue smoke from the tailpipe. Othewise there is no trace of smoke. The oil level seems stable and the car runs fine. Also it is very cold in this area. Do I need to worry about this? Thanks
AnswerYou did not say how long the car was sitting. But a Blue puff. Oil leaking past the valve stems. Regular wear and tear. Nothing worth worrying about. Doesn't effect engine performance.
If it burn a steady blue (as you see some cars do like a bush motorcycle) then the engine shows alot of wear as the rings need replacing.