Volkswagen Repair: Right sideview mirror, vw jetta, mirror assembly
QuestionI need to replace the right sideview mirror assembly on my 2003 VW Jetta. Can you give me a quick breakdown on the steps I need to take (do I need to remove the door panel, how do I remove the mirror assembly, etc.)
Thanks for your help.
AnswerGoing to your local library is an asset here cause there are pictures too. Doesn't have to be the same year or model for that matter as you are looking for -sideview mirror. The same manfacturer tend to do the same procedure in many respects for many years if it works. While 2 philips screws hold the mirror down, the second screw is under the mirror and you have to turn the mirror on its base first and get to that screw first. If you have a remote control lever on the inside of the door you gotta do more work.
You remove the door panel by first removing the inside handle and the window winder lever and if your mirror has internal control lever - the collar that goes around that lever unscrews.(all total, in your lap you should have 6 pieces(screws and parts) before you can start to remove the panel. It is held in place with plastic snaps(something the shape of a 12" ruler would be useful here as you slide it between the panel and the door near a snap and lift a bit until it clicks) There is about 10 of them. The door panel is made of a fibreboard that you don't want to break.
After the panel is removed, the plastic vapor barrier is peeled back and you should have access to the remote control base held in with another nut. There may also be another nut on the base of the mirror(maybe not). (some have one some do not as they relied on the 2 Philips screws from above. You need to turn the mirror to get to the second one and do that one first or at least loosen it) viola dun dat dare. Control with mirror is a unit.