Volvo Repair: 1989 volvo 760 crank case pressure, oil filler cap, vacuum gauge
QuestionI'm having trouble with crank case pressure. I've replaced all the flame trap hoses and clean the brass nipple and have vacuum. I did this a few week ago and at idle had good vacuum at the oil filler cap. I did jiggle and sat there and i put a new oil filler gasket. I guess I have a vacuum leak some where because the transmission is difficult to get to shift after second gear. I have to let up on the pedal. I've tried to find the leak using propane but can't seem to find it. the car has 200k but seem to have been taken very good care of. The Plugs looked great, the camshaft looks great too. The only thing I can think of is a vacuum leak for both of these issues. Does the trany use vacuum for shift points? I'm going to do a compression test tomorrow and maybe get a vacuum gauge and see what kind of vacuum I'm getting at the manifold.
AnswerMatt, the transmission shifting has nothing to do with vacuum. Back off the kickdown cable and see if it helps any. Why do you think you have a vacuum problem or crank case pressure. Please dont be like these people that always have had american cars and then buy a volvo and have these crazy Ideas about stuff. Tell me what the problem is and we will go from there. Roger