Volvo Repair: Top engine mount, volvo s80, 2001 volvo s80
QuestionHello, my 2001 Volvo S80 needs the top engine mount replaced. I've gotten a quote for $350.00 but it seems to be somewhat simple procedure, can a handy guy (like me) do it himself??
Answer Easily. You can get just the bushing and do not have to replace the entire arm. If you buy an arm, yes, it's a two bolt 10 minute procedure. Search the web or go here: for an inexpensive bushing kit. It's a little more work but the $ savings is significant. This also you should be able to do yourself. If you have trouble removing the old bushing, try this. Cut out the rubber center using your favorite method. Mine is a torch.VBG Lots of smoke.Then use a hack saw blade and carefully cut the sleeve that remains along it's entire width. Then you should be able to easily pry/tap out the remainder with an ordinary screwdriver. Sand the surface with a light grit paper until it is clean. Apply a heavy lube like HSS2000 if you have it or ordinary engine oil if nothing else. Tap the new bushing in using only the outer sleeve with a punch or equivelant to walk in the new bushing. You're done.