Volvo Repair: 1997 volvo 960 throttle position sensor, throttle position sensor, 1997 volvo 960
Questionhave error code that said it was my sensor. I'm waiting on manual to arrive. thought you might be able to tell me were it's located and if there is any type of adjustment I should look at before replacing
Answer It is on the throttle body. Follow the cable to it. it should be on the opposite side of the cable. There is only a base idle setting and no other adjustments are allowed. It's a simple potentiometer (variabel resistor) that hsa a reference 5volts sent to it from the ECU. The return, knocked down by the resistor voltage, tells the ECU what throttle position is being requested. A sweep of the return signal w/a labscope, should show a nice smooth increasing/decreasing wave with no dropouts when you do a snap throttle. There should be no dropouts, spikes or glitches in the wave. If so, check your grounds, then replace.