Volvo Repair: 95 Volvo 850 T5R parking brake pad replacement, volvo 850 t5r, parking brake cable
QuestionQUESTION: I can't figure out how to reinstall the lower spring which is attached to the two opposing parking brake shoes. I assume I need to piece together all the other components first such as the lower mechanism from the parking brake cable as well as the upper adjusting mechanism and small spring. Do I need a special spring stretching/attaching tool? In short, how do I reassemble the the parking brakes?
ANSWER: Partially take apart the other side and inspect for a guide. Just remember it's a mirror image on the other side.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your reply. I had actually done that before I sent in my question, which I didn't word very well. I know how the parts layout for reassembly, but my problem is that after I haver reassenbled the unit in place I can't find a way to stretch out the lower retaining spring far enough to catch into the slot on the opposing shoe. I hook one end of the spring up on one side, thread it throughg to the other side, but then I need to stretch the spring open far enough to catch the open catch slot on the other side. Is there a tool or trick to doing this? Or am I not reassembling in the proper sequence?
Answer No, you are doing it right, you just need a brake spring tool. Inespensive at any auto supply. @ $25.00 or lesss. In a pinch, grab the end with a needle nosed vise grip and stretch it into the slot. Clamp it HARD as the spring steel likes to let things slip. Read: my poor knuckles. The other way is to connect the shoes off of the backing plate for more purchase. Then stretch the assembled shoes onto the backing plate and pin them down. Either way, it's the worst part of the job. HTH