QuestionQUESTION: 1989 740 gle autimatic 4 cylinder. this car hasnt been started for about a year befor that it was getting hard to start so was parked, so i got all bad gas out of the tank , put new plugs in , and it turns over fine and gets spark ,it seemed to be flooding, the ecu modual was bad so i got another one off e-bay pluged it in ,but still will not go ,went to the junkyard and found one that was a little newer but had the same engine so i pulled the fuel pressure regulator along with the relay that bolts on to the back of the engine with two bolts, and put it on mine but still no go ,i am stumped , my skills and knoledge of volvos is not much,i do have a muti meter and am learning as i go, so i apreciate any help thanks
ANSWER: John, my guess is that you are not getting injection? When you say it seems to be flooding, are you smelling raw fuel? Are the spark plugs wet?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: yes i smell fuel and when i take the plug out after trying to start it is wet with fuel . thanks for your help ,
- john
Answer John, one of two things. Either you are NOT getting spark at the right time or at all, or, you are dumping way too much fuel in it. Pull the fuel pump fuses and try cranking it to dry it out. Dry off the plugs first. Then with the fuses still pulled, dry plugs in, introduce into the air filter housing (pull out filter) a couple of shots of carb. cleaner while cranking. If she runs for a moment or tries to run/sputters, you know you are getting too much fuel. If it deosn't even sputter or cough, you are probably not getting spark. Let me know which it is and we can go from there.
Try the above tests and get back to me with the results.