Volvo Repair: ECM faulty?, torque specs, signal wire
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Roger,
Another question about the ecm problem Im having the dealer said they traced the ecm code was the esm sensor but after replacing it there was no change as I stated in a previous email they traced the code and found only 5 volts on the signal wire to the sensor coming from the ecm they also mentioned the sensor holder was broken and they glued it but sensor still wiggles in the holder this is all the latest info from the dealer on the vehicle hope this helps you track it down or at least maybe you can give me some ideas on how to proceed, I really do not wish to spend 1500.00 plus on repairs for a new ecm.
ANSWER: Marcus, I dont know what to tell you. If it were me, I would probably call it a wash and go up to the new car showroom and get something else and tell them the trade is in the service dept. Ive seen too much stuff like that happen. If they have done all they can with it and since I cant see what they did, I dont have any solutions at this time. Sorry. Roger
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
When you said that if the vvt is not torqued properly funny things can happen, can you elaborate.
AnswerMarcus, If the VVT is not setup to proper torque specs, the cams move freely and throw the timing completely off. Just had one the other day that wasnt setup properly and not torqued to 120NM and the car ran horrible, no power and kept stalling. Hope this helped. Roger