Volvo Repair: 90 760Turbo failed california SMOG. Can I install OEM/aftermarket catalytic converter?, california smog test, rusted bolts

Vehicle failed California SMOG test; a) high nitrogen emission level at 1500 rpm and b) fuel system failed pressure test.

Volvo repair shop said typically either EGR value or Catalytic Converter. Smoke test showed EGR leaked. EGR valve is replaced still wont pass SMOG.

Repair shop suggested changing catalytic converter and said as of January 1, 2009 California requires installing new converter (disallows installing OEM, aftermarket, or used one). $630 for part $120 to install. He won't replace with aftermarket brands but said I could try finding online and replace it myself. He will check for rusted bolts and free them up so I would have easier time.

Q. Would you also suspect the catalytic converter?

I found many online parts stores who sell catalytic converters from $130 to $340 but say "not legal in California".

Q: Is there a technical or environmental reason why after market converters should not be used?

Q: If they function the same, and I decide to do it myself which of aftermarket, or OEM, brands do a better job of reducing emissions?


Hadi, aftermarket converter are basically junk unless you get decent brand names.  There is more material inside the OEM converters.  Thats why they are more expensive.  Too cheap = junk.  It does sound like a converter issue but I dont deal with emissions here in Florida.  California is the biggest pain in the neck for emmissions problems.  I suggest buying the new converter and you wont have to worry about it for a while.  Roger