Volvo Repair: rear seat back removal, volvo 240dl, seat back
QuestionQUESTION: How to remove the back seat back of a 1989 Volvo 240dl wagon. I know how to remove and replace the seat cushion, I am asking about the seat back.
thank you!
ANSWER: Robin, Ive never had to remove one. I looked at my own wagon today. Looks like you would have to take the wheel well covers off to access the hardware underneath it. The fun part is taking all that off. Why do you want to take that out? Roger
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I want to replace the latch in the seat back-the plastic handle is totally broken and I dont know how to do that. A seat with a operable latch is available so I thought I could switch the seats. What do you think would be the way to replace the latch?
AnswerRobin, Ive been able to replace the pull mechanism without taking the seat apart. The parts are still available from Volvo. It may be easier to replace the set back though. Thats why I said try to take the panels off to see if the hardware is accessible. Roger