Volvo Repair: volvo 850 T5 Auto down relay for window, volvo 850 t5, volvo 850
QuestionPassenger rear window will not go down when switch is depressed. Have replaced motor and switch, and still doesn't work. Is there a relay for the circuitry? It quit working when son kept down button depressed while mom was trying to roll window up with front switches.
Also have a power drain. Have replaced battery 3 times now.
AnswerScott, did you replace the whole switch assembly? The relay is right there under the center console, but I believe that is for just the auto down feature. I would have to look up where the other relays are for the windows. My suggestion is to turn the off button so junior isnt playing with the buttons. Power drain is most likely the glove box light. the door is slightly open. Best way to fix it is to ben the wire catch upwards slightly to get the door to have a tighter fit. Roger