Volvo Repair: Hi question about warming the car, temp guage, engine temp

I am not sure what is best to roll and warm the car or idle?

   Anthony, what outside temperatures are we talking about? Here in MN it's been below Zero the last few mornings. On those days, I prefer to let mine idle until the temp. guage comes off of the peg. If it's an automatic vehicle, the trans. fluid starts circulating and warming right after you start it. I prefer that the trans. fluid also be warm before driving. (If you do not have a trans. temp guage, just go by the engine temp. guage. The trans. warms up soooner, usually.)It also gives the alternator time to replenish the battery. Turn your oights off while it's idling and set your heater fan one below full bore. 5-15minutes os the range. Do not idle over 15 min. The only down side is fuel consumption. The additional wear is far offset IMHO by not forcing a stone cold vehicle to go to work right away.
   If your temps. are above 50 degrees F, 30 seconds to 1 min is sufficient. Just to let the engine oil and trans. fluids. to circulate everywhere.

Merry Christmas!
