Volvo Repair: 2000 s80 timing belt replacemment, crank shaft, valve piston
QuestionQUESTION: Have followed VADIS manual in the replacement of the belt until the final check, with new belt installed, on proper alignment of the cam & crank shaft by 2 full clockwise rotations that the mark for the exhaust cam is off by 1 cog space(about 11.55 o'clock)and the crankshaft mark is off by about 1/2 cog space (about 12.05 o'clock). Can the cam shaft and crankshaft be rotated individually to align again and not damage the Valve/piston ? Please elaborate your advise as how to fix the problem.
ANSWER: That small amount yes. Loosen up the belt, while holding everything else in place and nudge the cam.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Does it matter which direction ie clockwise or counterclockwise? Also if it doesn't rotate easily with hand, can I use wrench to rotate with leverage on the Cam & Crank?
Answer Rotate it the direction you need to go to make the marks line up. If you only need to move it one tooth, you will be fine. DO NOT rotate it all the way around! Yes, it will be under pressure and will probably not move by hand. Use the correct tool to rotate it.