Volvo Repair: Volvo 1999 V70, native english speaker, altitude changes
QuestionQUESTION: My 99 diesel is sluggish up and down hills and the service light comes on and goes off as the altitude changes. Is this the O2 sensor?
Know any particular websites that offer parts for Euro spec volvos?
ANSWER: Susan, no O2 sensor on a diesel. Have it scanned. Typically a cam timing issue.
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QUESTION: Thanks Mark.
what is a "cam timing" (the mechanic with whom I am working is not a native English speaker).
Do you know of a place in the USA from which I can order Euro spec parts for my 99 V70 Deisel 2.fL 5 speed manual wagon. I need oil fuel and air filters and the US shops i have contacted so far can't get the parts I need by number.
thanks again
Answer Susan, cam timing is the relationship between the camshaft, the injection pump and the crankshaft. This is held in place by the timing belt. Usual cause is a stripping timing belt. (very bad news, replace IMMEDIATELY) or an improperly installed replacement belt. The easy way to set this relationship up is with special tools. I have seen some pretty ingenious do it yourselfers get it close with their own tools, and then play with the pump timing until they get it where they want it. Not recommended for a first timer.