QuestionQUESTION: None of my brake lights are working, bulbs are fine, fuse is fine. I was told it may be the Stop light switch. Can you please tell me where I can find it in the Volvo and my husband may attempt to replace it himself. Is this easy to do? We are going car poor with all the repairs lately, so he would like to try and do it himself if possible.
ANSWER: Arline, it is at the top of the brake pedal arm. You will have to remove the knee panel (if it's still there) to see it. An uncomfortable but easy fix. Be sure to adjust it properly. Trial and error with you watching the tail lamps and your husband turning the adjusting nut.
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QUESTION: Thank you Mark for the advise. We tried getting the knee panel off but you need a special tool for the screws holding the panel up. Do you know what kind of tool we need. Thanks, Arline
ANSWER: Arline, it should just be a Torx T15 or T30? Kind of a star shaped thing? In a pinch, a phillips screwdriver with a little extra pressure can work. (Not a recommended practice)
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I just want to thank you again for helping me with the brake light situation. My husband found the tool in our trunk removed the panel and the light brake switch was loose and he fixed it. Thanks.
Also, in the winter when it is cold our 1996 Volvo 850 GLT, not turbo, once in awhile the TRAC LIGHT goes on automatically and when I step on the gas the car goes very slow until I drive it a bit of a distance than it drives normal.
Is this a major engine issue and very costly to fix? We where going to trade this in for a newer auto, but due to the economy, we are retired living on a fixed income and have lost half of our savings, decided to put the purchase on the back burner. Do you recommend us having this fixed?
Can you answer this asap as we need to know what to do and if we should purchase a newer vehicle today. Thanks, Arline
Answer Arline, when the trac light is on, it's indicating you are in anti slip mode. You have to have the transmission scanned for codes. It could be minor like a bad switch or it could be major, but not usually. Sorry for being so vague, but without scan info. No way to tell.