Volvo Repair: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrclunk, solonoid, volvo 850
Questionyep only so many moving parts,each has its own specific noise ,rattle ,knock etc when it fails.....thats the sound my 1993 volvo 850 starter makes when its cold ,warmed up not a problem? starter motor runs but no engagement until you let off the key ?after 20 30 times [starter is warmer now ]fires right up.....almost bought a solonoid but not sure now if its the problem ...possible bad connection ?starter mites,the elctron fairy screwen with me ? hard to drop the starter? thanks....
Answer A man of your caliber should be able to change that thing out in 20 minutes. NEVER buy just a solonoid. Asking for trouble. Best thing to do is take the fan out for easier access. 3 bolts hold it in. 2 on the motor, 1 on the block with the brackett. Roger