Volvo Repair: Transmission fluid change 1998 S70, transmission fluid change, trickle charger

QUESTION: I am going away for several months during the winter.  What should I do to store my S70 (it will be inside a garage) while I am gone?  Should I remove the battery and re-install it when I want to restart the car--I understand there is some minimal draw when leaving the battery in the car?  Anything else you could recommend?  Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

ANSWER: Gary, I wouldnt take the battery out, but you can disconnect it and then when you come back, put it on the trickle charger for a few hours.   Do a fresh oil change and top off the gas tank.  Fill tires up to about 45 psi or put the car on jack stands.  Other than that, the car should be fine.  Roger

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My S70 has about 93000 miles and has never had the transmission serviced (everything works fine and the fluid looks good and smells fine)? I'm confused by different recommendations.  Some say don't do anything--it will do more harm than good at this point. Others say just drain the transmission and change the filter and fluid but don't flush because it that will be too much of a shock.  Others say a power flush should be done. I would appreciate any advice.

Gary, Thats pretty funny about the filter because you would have to take to transmission apart to do it.  Anyway, My experience is since it has never been done leave it alone.  It happened to me.  I serviced a lady's trans and she drove maybe 20 miles and the trans dumped.  Power flush may or may not help.  Its your call but this is what happened to me.  Roger